YET ANOTHER Mouse Review
Yet Another Mouse Review's beautifully hand-crafted logo
Welcome to Yet Another Mouse Review! This blog is my foray into making high-quality written reviews about gaming hardware (mice, mousepads, and audio). I started reviewing on Youtube (@yetanothermousereview), and I intend to continue to post videos there (as time and motivation permits), but my main focus will be on this site.
I have 3 primary goals when writing reviews here:
Thoroughness. All products will be tested rigorously, from build quality to performance to handfeel.
Utility. I have attempted to separate my subjective impressions of products from their objective aspects in the way I structure my reviews in order to maximize your ability to determine what products are best for you. Obviously, these are my reviews at the end of the day– I cannot and will not be entirely objective. But, the goal is for my reviews at the end of the day to be of use to you as you consider whether a product might be a good fit or not.
Entertainment. I hope to keep things light around here. My writing can sometimes be terribly terse so it’s something I want to work on. If you have feedback for me, disagree with me, or have any requests, send them off to
. I look forward to any and all correspondence!
This is my first crack at building a (hopefully) production ready site using Jekyll. You can view its source code on GitHub.
I wanted this site to be clean, readable, and maintainable. In other words, as simple as possible. No fancy animations or styling (I’m uncreative anyway), no JS, no hand-written CSS. After all, this site to me is about the content.
But yeah, it’s a little ugly. If you have suggestions or have issues with usability (currently dark mode on Chrome Android doesn’t really like the site which I’m looking into fixing) please do not hesitate to reach out. Or submit a PR lol.
Yet Another Mouse Review | Built using Jekyll and Tailwind CSS and hosted on Github Pages | Contact: